The importance of drinking water

La importancia de beber agua
La importancia de beber agua
La importancia de beber agua
La importancia de beber agua

Drinking water is so much more than just refilling a glass of water. Water is life. From giving us energy to helping us think clearly. Considering that 60% of our body is made up of water, it already gives us a small idea of how crucial it is to stay hydrated to feel and look our best.

Today we want to take advantage of this post to tell you about the benefits that water has for our health and how it can transform our inner and outer well-being.

Water, the pillar of our body

Although it may be hard to believe, water is involved in almost all of our essential bodily functions. From regulating body temperature to transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells. And not only that, but it also eliminates toxins and gives us a cleaner, healthier body.

It helps us with physical and mental performance

Staying hydrated improves our productivity and allows us to maintain a much higher performance. When a body is dehydrated, it is at risk of injury and even decreased productivity.

Staying well hydrated also has an impact on our mental well-being. Dehydration can make us feel tired and confused, as well as have attention problems. Drinking water keeps our brains alert.

The relationship between water and skin

Another benefit of drinking water is the skin. To have elastic, luminous and healthy skin, it is essential to maintain good hydration.

Tips to stay hydrated

Despite all the benefits that water brings us, many people still do not drink the water our body needs every day. It is recommended to drink between 2 and 3 liters of water a day, and so that it does not become an effort for you, we bring you some recommendations.

1. Always carry a reusable water bottle . This way you can make sure you drink water throughout the day.

2. Include foods rich in water, such as fruits and vegetables.

3. If you find it difficult to drink water because of its taste, add slices of lemon, mint or ginger.

4. Drink before you feel thirsty. Thirst is an indication that you are already dehydrated, so try to drink water without feeling thirsty.

5. Control your caffeine and alcohol intake. These drinks can dehydrate you, so it is important to drink even more water if you consume them.


Make sure you drink enough water every day to take care of your health. When you are thirsty, remember that you are not just satisfying a need, but you are taking care of your body as it deserves.